Toby loves playing outside and racing around with his friends
Toby started wheelchair racing when he was 7 and he’s never looked back.
He also takes part in triathlons, basketball and wheelchair BMX all over the country. There are no wheelchair sports teams in our area so we travel an hour each way four days a week for Toby to train and we take him the 2.5 hours to London to get physio.
We take care of everything out of our own pocket, as we don’t get any government support – but it doesn’t matter because Toby deserves the same chances as any other child his age.
This is the part of Toby’s life that most people do not see.
This is the Secret Life of Us.
Becky, mum of Toby, 11, who has been paralysed from the chest down since he was 3, following a rare illness.