
Latest news and campaign updates from the Disabled Children’s Partnership.

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Law Commission publishes consultation on changes to the law on disabled children’s social care

On Tuesday 8 October 2024, the Law Commission published proposals on changes to the law on disabled children’s social care.  This follows a period of extensive engagement with families and sector organisations – including DCP members – by the Law Commission.  The Law Commission is inviting comments and views on their proposals, with the deadline of 20 January 2025.  They will then finalise their recommendations for government.  We will be working with the Law Commission to help families and organisations respond to the consultation.

We warmly welcome this review and the Law Commission’s consultation.  We have long called for change to the outdated and complex legal framework is this area – it is a key part of our “Three Pillars” to fix health and social care support for disabled children and their families.  You can read our statement on the publication here.

Our friends at Special Needs Jungle have also written a helpful article about the consultation.

This Is My Life: Hear Me, Help Me – new report from the DCP

On Friday 31st May we published our new report This Is My Life: Hear Me, Help Me. It is the first DCP report published following a survey of more than 600 disabled young people.

Alongside the report launch, the research featured in an episode of FYI. You can watch the episode here.

Read the report

DCP at the Education Select Committee

On Tuesday 30th April DCP Campaign Manager, Stephen Kingdom appeared at the Education Select Committee evidence session focused on disabled children’s social care. He was joined by Kids CEO Katie Ghose and Tina Emery OBE, Co-Chair at National Network of Parent Carer Forums.

You can watch the full session here.

You can read the session transcript here.

We Can Learn campaign with Let Us Learn Too

The DCP is proud to share We Can Learn, the new campaign video from Let Us Learn Too. You can watch the full campaign video here.

DCP Childcare survey

The DCP is currently seeking the views of parents on their experience securing childcare for their disabled children. Responding to the survey should only take 10 minutes.

Take the survey now. 

DCP Manifesto for 2024

The DCP has shared its Manifesto for 2024, calling on the major political parties to consider disabled children and their families when developing their policy positions for the general election year.

You can find the manifesto by clicking the link above. You can access our letters to the Minister for Children and his counterparts by clicking here.

Wasted money, wasted potential out now

Research commissioned by the DCP and undertaken by Pro Bono Economics is out today (25 September 2023).

DCP statement following EHCP reduction plans

Following reports in the press on Sunday and today that the Government has signed a contract targeting 20% cuts to the number of new education plans for children with SEND.

DCP launches consultation with the Department for Education

The government’s official consultation contains a wide range of questions. With the help of the Department for Education, the Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) have shortened this to focus on the key questions for families with disabled children.

Take this action by 6 September to directly share your experiences of navigating disabled children’s services with the government.

DCP publishes new holiday club research

On 14 July we published our new research, The Loneliest Summer.

Holiday Clubs provided during the school holidays offer children the chance to meet
other children, socialise, increase social and learning skills and try out new hobbies
and have fun.

For the families of disabled children, holiday clubs also provide the opportunity for parents to have a break from their caring responsibilities and spend time with their other children. In addition, they help disabled children to manage the transition back to the new school term.

However, families with disabled children too often find there is a lack of holiday club provision that can meet their child or family’s needs, leaving them without support or fun activities over the holiday period, creating further pressure for the whole family, families who often live stressful and isolated

DCP responds to safeguarding children with disabilities in residential settings report.

Read the DCP response to the report by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel here.

DCP responds to the 2023 Budget

Read the DCP response to the 2023 Budget here.

DCP publishes new research

On 7 March 2023 we published our new research, Failed and Forgotten.

Disabled children and their families are currently facing the most challenging times yet. Post-covid recovery has left disabled children facing “record breaking” delays and backlogs to health and social
care services.

Our new research has revealed the worrying state of affairs for disabled children and their families in England. More than 2000 families were surveyed for our research, and their responses were eye-opening.

DCP announces report launch event in Parliament

The DCP has announced an event in Parliament to coincide with the launch of its 2023 report. The DCP is calling on campaigners to invite their MPs to the event.

DCP responds to the Government’s Long Term Plan for Children’s Social Care

On 2 February 2023, the government published its long term plan for children’s social care, following last year’s independent review of children’s social care.  We are pleased to see the recognition of the role that children’s social care should play in supporting families with disabled children; and the particular issues families face with accessing services at the moment.  We are particularly pleased that the government has taken forward our call for a Law Commission review of the legal framework for disabled children’s social care.  However, implementation will be key, and we are very concerned that the government is not committing sufficient resources, and we are calling for a clear focus on disabled children in implementation of the plan.  You can read our response here.

Lockdown isn’t over for us all

Our Campaigns Manager, Stephen Kingdom contributed to a new report by the Covid Realities project. The research team is made up of academics from the universities of York and Birmingham, working in partnership with the Child Poverty Action Group. You can read the report now.

DCP response to the Autumn Statement 2022

Read the DCP response to the Autumn Statement here.

DCP Statement on potential real terms cuts to public spending and benefits

The Conservative Party conference started on 2 October 2002, and much of the press coverage included potential cuts to public services and to benefits.  Such cuts would have a devastating impact on disabled children and their families – read what our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, had to say about the report.

Family Matters

A new blog from our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, reflecting on the launch of the Children’s Commissioner’s Family Review at the start of September 2022.

All change at the Department for Education

Our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, wrote an opinion piece for Schools Week about Minister Will Quince’s departure from the Department for Education and what this means for the SEND Review.

Green Paper consultation closes – thanks for sharing your views

The SEND Green Paper closes today, 22 July.  Thank you so much to the 1,800 campaigners who completed our “Six Simple Questions” and the more than 1,100 people who sent an urgent email to Ministers.  You have ensured that the government hears clearly and loudly the concerns about the Green Paper proposals.  This afternoon, a group of parents will be arriving in Westminster to deliver the final consultation responses – watch this space to see how that went.

New ‘online exhibition’ on the problems in SEND

Share your photos that expose the injustices in the #SEND system. We are collating images sent in from parents, young people, professionals and others on our website in an ‘online exhibition’ exposing the problems in the SEND system for the world to see. We’ll share photos like these on social media, and collate them and send to politicians for them to consider as part of the SEND review as part of the #SENDABetterMessage campaign. Find out more on the exhibition page.

Six simple questions on reforming SEND services

The consultation on Right Support, Right Place, Right Time – the government’s Green Paper on reforming SEND services, runs until 22 July.  The government has said it wants to hear the views of as many parents, young people and others with an interest as possible.  However, the official consultation contains 22 long, quite complicated questions. As part of the #SENDABetterMessage campaign, and with the help of parent carers, we have simplified the consultation into 6 simple questions on the most urgent points to make it easier for people to send their views to the government.

Over 30 MPs, Peers and staff hear from disabled young people and carers at a virtual event

On 17 June 2022, politicians from across the political spectrum heard directly from parent carers and disabled young people. Our two powerful panels shared their experiences navigating services, their views on reform, and made a strong case for a fairer and more just system of support. Deanne, one of the parents at the event, has written a brilliant blog about the day, which you can read here.

Minister apologises to children and families for SEND failures

On 7 June, we took four parents and one young person to meet Children and Families Minister Will Quince to talk about their concerns with the proposed reforms to the SEND system.  At the meeting, Mr Quince apologised to children, young people and their parents who have been failed by the system.  You can read all about the meeting – and watch a video of some of it – on The Sun’s website.

Independent Review of Children’s Social Care – report published

The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care – chaired by Josh McAllister – published its final report on 23 May.  You can read our reaction to it here.

New open letter to government

On 9 May 2022, we led an open letter of 50 organisations big and small that work with disabled young people and carers, challenging some of the most concerning proposals in the SEND Green Paper. You can read the full text of the letter here.

#SENDABetterMessage campaign launched

On 19 April we launched our #SENDABetterMessage campaign.  The campaign responds to the government’s SEND reform programme set out in its Green Paper Right Support, Right Place, Right TimeWe are calling on the government to use its reform programme to create a more just, fairer system of support for disabled children and families – one that is easier to navigate and gets them the services they’re entitled without having to fight for them.

Our submission to the COVID Inquiry Terms of Reference Consultation

Today, Thursday 7 April, the government’s consultation on the draft terms of reference for the forthcoming public inquiry into the COVID-19 pandemic closes. The DCP welcomes the wide scope of the terms of reference; and the commitment to listen to the experiences of those who have suffered hardship and loss as a result of the pandemic. However, we have several suggestions for the inquiry to ensure that the devastating and ongoing impact of the pandemic on disabled children is properly investigated. Read our full submission

Government publishes the results of its SEND review

On Tuesday 1 March, the government published the long-awaited results of its SEND review in a Green Paper called Right Support, Right Place, Right Time.  At 104 pages long, there’s a lot to digest, but on publication day, we shared our initial reactions.

Thank you for emailing your council leader

A massive thanks to the more than 1,250 campaigners who wrote to the council leader asking them to #CountDisabledChildrenIn and prioritise support for disabled children and their families when setting their 2022-23 budgets.  Read what our chair, Amanda Batten, has to say about the campaign.

Three reasons to welcome the new Respite Innovation Fund

On 1 February 2022, the government announced a new £30 million fund to provide more short breaks and respite care for disabled children and their families.  In this blog, our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, reflects on the new fund and what it might mean for the future.

SEND Money survey – shocking findings published

On Monday 7 February, in partnership with parent campaign group Let Us Learn Too, we published the results of the SEND Money survey.  Held between November 2021 and January 2022, the survey asked parents how much money they had spent fighting for the support their disabled children need; or paying for support that the state should be providing – and the impact that had had on their family finances.  More than 1,000 parents responded – and the results showed the lengths families have to go to to secure adequate support.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • 40% of families with disabled children have seen their savings wiped out fighting and paying for support.
  • One in three families with disabled children said they needed essential therapies for their disabled child – but could not afford them.
  • 60% of families with disabled children have sought NHS mental health support for a family member due to the stresses of fighting for basic services.

You can also read coverage in The Sun newspaper (and more in their “Sun Says” column)

Government announces £30 million for short breaks

On 1 February, in a major win for our campaigning, the government announced £30 million to provide additional short breaks for disabled children and their families.  The DCP has been calling for years for more dedicated funding for social care to support families with disabled children, including through short breaks and respite care, so whilst this announcement will not solve all the problems that families face, it is very good news.  This new funding – which is accompanied by an additional £18 million for supported internships – would not have happened without our campaigning and, more importantly, the support of the thousands of you who have campaigned with us.  Thank you all so much.

For more information, please read our statement on the announcement; the coverage in The Sun newspaper; and the government’s press notice.

Launch of #CountDisabledChildrenIn

17 January 2022. Today we have launched our new campaign action on disabled children’s health and care funding. Although finances will be tight, #CountDisabledChildrenIn calls on local councils across England to use some of the extra funding announced at the last budget to invest in the services that disabled children and family members have a right to – and correct years of injustice. Coinciding with the launch of the campaign, we have released new polling stats showing a clear public consensus on better support for disabled children and families (as covered in the Sun). Find out more about the polling and the campaign –  including how you can get involved.

Calling young people aged 12-25: help shape our campaigns

We’re working with the Council for Disabled Children to recruit children and young people to be part of a new advisory group and help shape our campaigning work.  At this link you’ll find an information sheet with more details, along with an easy read version (including the application form) and a separate copy of the application form.  Deadline for applications is 24 January 2022.

Charities call for urgent clarification on how the spending review will help families with disabled children

On 26 November, almost 70 charities wrote to the Secretaries of State for Education and for Health and Social Care asking for urgent clarification on how unringfenced funding announced in the spending review – for local authority services; for NHS backlogs; and for education recovery – would be used to meet the needs of disabled children and their families.  In the absence of dedicated funding for disabled children’s health and care services, it is vital that this funding is used to address the impact of the pandemic and to begin to fill longstanding shortfalls in support such as short breaks and respite care.

Statement on Spending Review 2021: disabled children deserve world class public services too, 27 October 2021

On 27 October 2021, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, laid out the government’s spending plans for the next three years at the 2021 Spending Review. It is encouraging to see some signs that the government is recognising the need to invest in support for disabled children and their families.  But without dedicated new funding for disabled children’s health and social care, the spending review falls short from providing the world class public services promised by the Chancellor for disabled children, young people and their families.

Read our full statement.

Statement on new specialist education funding, 25 October 2021

An article in the Sun reveals that the Chancellor is planning to ring-fence £2.6 billion to create more than 30,000 specialist school places over the next three years. Although this funding is encouraging,  it will not solve all the problems faced by disabled children and their families.  Our #GiveItBack campaign, and #LeftInLockdown research, has revealed that there are huge backlogs in disabled children’s health and social care services, which still need to be addressed Read the full statement from our Chair, Amanda Batten.

The gap widens

Economic research by Scope and the Disabled Children’s Partnership – published on 14 October 2021 – exposes that the funding gap for disabled children’s health and social care has continued to increase to £2.1 billion – an increase of over £500 million since our last calculation in 2016-17. 

The research also shows that it makes economic – as well as moral – sense to invest in support to children and families, as reduced longer costs and increased tax revenues would mean that over-time there would be net gains for public finances. 

Signed, sealed and delivered

On Thursday 7 October, Calvin and Maureen travelled to Downing Street to hand in Maureen’s letter with the more than 5,700 signatures from members of the public.  They were joined by members of the DCP and a journalist and photographer from The SunMaureen spoke to us outside Downing Street to thank everyone who signed the letter and to explain again why it is vital the government commits to more money for disabled children’s services in the upcoming spending review.

Carol Vorderman supports our Give It Back campaign

Former Countdown presenter, Carol Vorderman, has written in The Sun about her experiences as the mother of a disabled children and how her son Cameron has succeeded against the odds.  In her article she also back our Give It Back campaign calling on the Chancellor to increase funding for social care for disabled children and their family.  Carol and Cameron also appeared on ITV’s This Morning and their story – and our campaign – was also covered in the Daily Express.

“I want my son to matter, I want him to be spoken about”

On 10 September, we held an on-line event for MPs and members of the House of Lords to launch our Then There Was Silence report.  The event gave Parliamentarians a chance to hear directly from parents and young people about their experiences during the pandemic (and before).  One of the parents who spoke has written a powerful and emotional blog about the event.

Then There Was Silence

The pandemic has had a devastating impact on disabled children and their families.  It has left them isolated and abandoned.  Vital support has been reduced or stopped altogether.  Disabled children have seen their conditions worsen.  And this has all damaged the emotional health and well-being of all members of the family, including disabled children’s sibling.

Our research throughout the pandemic has highlighted this impact.  Our new report (published 10 September 2021) – Then There Was Silence – brings this research together alongside new analysis and an evaluation of how the voluntary sector responded to the meet the needs of children and families.  It draws on the experiences of countless families, through surveys and interviews, as well as information obtained through Freedom of Information requests and other research.

Locked Out: Digital Disadvantage of Disabled Children, Young People and Families during the Covid-19 Pandemic

A collaboration between KIDS and the Disabled Children’s Partnership, ‘Locked Out’: Digital Disadvantage of Disabled Children, Young People and Families during the Covid-19  Pandemic – published on 26 August – demonstrates how many disabled children, young people and their families experienced positives and negatives as digital became the main medium to access vital services, education and to prevent isolation. It explores how user led design and investment in digital services could provide equal access and be a lifeline for families for the future. Importantly, it illustrates that digital access is now essential and not a luxury. 

Why we need a Disabled Children’s Innovation Fund

In this guest blog, Hannah Dobbin, Policy Manager (Children and Young People) at Scope, explains why the government must urgently invest in a Disabled Children’s Innovation Fund at the next spending review. Amongst other benefits, an innovation fund will help identify and provide effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes to prevent problems occurring or getting worse. Read the blog.

Government publishes National Disability Strategy

On 28 July 2021, the government published its National Disability Strategy.  Disappointingly, the strategy fails to address all the issues facing disabled children and their families, and in particular is silent on health and social care.  Read our reaction to the Strategy.

Join Maureen in demanding that the Chancellor invests in support for disabled children

Alongside our Left Behind report, we have published an open letter from parent carer, Maureen Muteesa.  Maureen’s son Calvin, 15, has complex medical needs and learning disabilities.  Like so many families, they have missed vital support and services during the pandemic and have been left isolated and forgotten.  But, also like so many families, they were not getting the support they needed even before the pandemic.  Maureen is writing to the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, demanding that he invests in support for disabled children and their families; both to recover from the pandemic and to address the underlying failings in the system.  You can help by adding your name to Maureen’s letter.  Once again, we are extremely grateful to The Sun newspaper for their support in highlighting the realities of life for families with disabled children and for joining us in calling for increased funding.  You can read their report here.

Left Behind – more evidence on the impact of the pandemic on disabled children

On 16 July, we published the final survey of our parent panel, together with Freedom of Information (FOI) requests from councils and health trusts.  The report – Left Behind – shows that whilst the rest of the country slowly returns to normal, disabled children and their families are being left behind.

Independent Review of Children’s Social Care – “Case for Change”

On Thursday 17 June, the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care published its “Case for Change“.  Their analysis shows a system under strain; that too often prioritises investigation over support; and which is in urgent need of investment and reform.  This will be all too familiar to families with disabled children.  You can read our reaction to the review here.

Why the “Three Pillars” matter more than ever

Our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, has written a new blog (11 June 2021) about why our pre-pandemic calls to government to transform support for disabled children and their families matter more than ever if the government really is going to “Build Back Better”.

DCP statement on the government’s education recovery plan – 02 June 2021

Read our statement on the government’s education recovery plan. The government states that this package should ensure that extra support is available for every disadvantaged child. But the absence of therapies and health services has caused disabled children and young people to fall behind in terms of speech, communication, social and motor skills.  If disabled children can’t catch-up on this support, they will not be able to learn.

Is your MP a Disabled Children’s Champion?

The Disabled Children’s Partnership is calling for MPs from all parties to show their support for disabled children and families across the country by publicly signing up to become a ‘Disabled Children’s Champion’ – backing our #LeftInLockdown campaign for targeted COVID-19 recovery policies for the whole family.  Click here to read more and see who has signed up so far.  And you can use this link to ask your MP to sign up.

Share your #LeftInLockdown story on social media to call for a Covd recovery plan

On 14 May, we launched new research that exposes that – despite new government messages and the lockdown easing – families are still missing out on vital therapies and health appointments.

This is still not good enough. We need those in power to know that disabled children can’t be left behind as we come out of lockdown. To help raise the profile of this issue, we have launched a new action asking people across the country to print off a sign, write why they are backing a recovery plan for disabled children and families and send it to those in power.

No End In Sight

On 14 May, we published the findings of its latest survey on the impact of the pandemic of disabled children and their families.  The survey took place in the first half of April, so after schools had fully re-opened and as the country moved to the next stage of lockdown easing.  But despite this, and the government’s statements on prioritising services for disabled children, parent carers told us that many children and families are still missing the support they need.  Six in ten families are still experiencing delays to health appointments to review and treat long-term conditions; therapies are still delayed for half of children; and both children and parent carers are more socially isolated than the rest of the population.  You can read the report here.

Queen’s Speech

On 11 May, Her Majesty the Queen set out the Government’s legislative programme for the next session of Parliament.  Click here to read our reaction to it.

Open letter to Gavin Williamson and Sir Kevan Collins

The DCP’s lead charities written an open letter to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson and Education Recovery Commissioner, Sir Kevan Collins.  The letter asks them to implement a dedicated Covid-19 recovery plan for disabled children and their families.

“The Loneliest Lockdown”

On 29 March, we published the findings of our second parent panel survey.  The report highlights how the pandemic has left disabled children and their families isolated, and the impact on the mental health of all members of the family.  Read more about our findings here.

Ask you MP to take action to support disabled children

On 17 March, we launched a new campaigner action – asking you to ask your MP to write to government about the impact of the pandemic on disabled children and their families.  For more information, read this blog from our new Campaign Officer, Aidan Smith.  And you can go straight to the action by clicking here.

Budget 2021

On 3 March, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, published his 2021 Budget.  Disappointingly, the Budget said nothing about addressing either the long term problems with the system to support disabled children and their families, or the specific issues facing them during the pandemic.  Indeed, the word ‘disabilities’ only appeared once in the 107 page ‘Red Book’ Budget document.  Click on the link above to read our response to the Budget.

“The Longest Lockdown”

In January, we asked our Parent Panel about the impact of the third lockdown – and the cumulative impact of the pandemic – on them and their families.  They told us of the devastating impact that this and the previous lockdowns were having.  Read more about it – and our call for a funded recovery and catch-up plan.

Back to school poll – what you told us

Earlier, this year, we published “Left In Lockdown” – reporting on what parents told us about the impact of lockdown on disabled children and their families.  In September and October, we carried out a further poll of parents to see how things has changed, and in particular how the return to school had gone.  We are immensely grateful to the more than 3,400 parents who took the time to share their experiences.

Click here to read about what you told us.

New “Return to School” poll

In May, we asked parent carers what life in lockdown was like. And you told us in your thousands.  Thank you again. The responses painted a very bleak picture. Because you told such a clear story, the DCP have been able to secure widespread media coverage and they have had constructive discussions with Ministers and government officials. There was even a question asked about the survey results at one of the daily government press conferences, and it was recently raised at Prime Minister’s Questions in Parliament.

But, of course, what matters is what is happening for children and families now.  Have things improved? And what has the returned to school been like for disabled children?

To help get a feel for this, please take our quick poll (it’ll take around 5 minutes).

Slow return of support – and parents concerned about school return

Have things changed for disabled children and their families as lockdown as eased.  To try and find out, we asked a short series of questions on twitter at the end of July and start of August.  This is what we learnt.

#LeftInLockdown – what we’ve done with what you told us

Our chair, Amanda Batten, has written an open letter setting out how we have been using what you told us to influence government, and the impact it is having.

The impact of lockdown on families with disabled children: what you told us

More that 4,000 parent carers told us how lockdown was affecting their families. Overwhelmingly, you told us they felt locked out and abandoned by Government and by society, and are fearful for their own physical and mental health.  Read more here

Tell us how the lockdown is affecting you and your family

We’ve launched a new survey to understand more about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on disabled children and young people (up to 25), their siblings and parents.
We will use the findings to reveal the secret life in lockdown facing families with disabled children and share this with government. The aim will be to improve support offered throughout the lockdown and to help families deal with life beyond lockdown in whatever form this may take.
By disabled children we mean any child with additional needs, for example children with sensory, complex, life-limiting, rare or diagnosed conditions.
The results will be used anonymously by charities that make up the Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP). We will only use any of your individual answers if we have your explicit permission to do so.
The survey takes around 20-25 minutes to complete.
The deadline is Monday 18 May 2020

Coronavirus help and support page

Are you looking for information and guidance about coronavirus and what it means for your family? Need someone to talk to about your situation? Or just looking for some ideas for activities whilst you’re at home?  We’ve pulled together a range of resources and details of helplines from across the organisations in the Disabled Children’s Partnership on to a single helpful page.

Coronavirus Bill

On 19 March, the government published the emergency law aimed at helping it tackle the COVID-19 crisis.  We had a look at what it might mean for disabled children and their families.

Spring 2020 Budget

On 11 March, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, delivered his first Budget.  Unsurprisingly, the Budget was dominated by the response to the Coronavirus outbreak.  However, it was still disappointing that it made no mention of support for disabled children and their families, other than a very welcome commitment on Changing Places toilets.

You can read our response to the Budget here.

2019 General Election #VoteSEND

On 12 December, the public will vote in one of the most unpredictable general elections in recent times.  We want addressing the crisis in support for disabled children and their families to be front and centre in the election campaign.  On this page you’ll find more about our approach to the general election and resources to help you influence candidates in your area.

Update: read the results of the general election parental survey carried out by NDCS, SEND Community Alliance and ourselves.

Give it Back: Ollie and Vickey travel to Downing Street to deliver their letter to the Chancellor

Thank you to the more than 21,000 people who signed Vickey’s #GiveItBack open letter to the Chancellor.  On 25 October, Vickey and her son Ollie travelled to Downing Street to hand deliver the letter.  They were accompanied by DCP representatives Amanda Batten (our chair and CEO of Contact), Richard Kramer (DCP vice chair and Sense CEO), Tara Parker (WellChild) and Sun journalist Kate Jackson.

It’s not too late to add your name – the more people who sign, the more chance the government will act.

MPs publish highly critical SEND report

On 23 October, the House of Commons cross-party Education Select Committee published its long-awaited report into the 2014 SEND reforms.  Whilst their report concludes that the reforms “were the right ones”, they are highly critical of the implementation of the reforms which they say “has been badly hampered by poor administration and a challenging funding environment in which local authorities and schools have lacked the ability to make transformative change.”

Click here for more information about the report; and here for an open letter from a range of DCP members and other organisations commenting on its findings.

Three ‘Pillars’ to deliver better support and care for disabled children and their families

To make a real difference to lives of disabled children, the Government must make them a priority, including by appointing a Minister for Disabled Children; by clarifying and reviewing the rights and responsibilities within the system; and by ensuring there is sufficient funding for services for disabled children and their families.

Our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, has written a blog setting out the way to build better support for children and families.

Award for The Sun for the Give It Back campaign

The Sun has been named Media of the Year at the Sense Awards for its campaigning work for families with disabled children.  The award recognised The Sun’s work with the Disabled Children’s Partnership on the Give It Back campaign.  Read about all the winners at the Sense Awards here.

DCP response to the government’s spending plans

On 4 September, the Chancellor, Sajid Javid, announced details of the government’s spending plans for 2020-21, including additional money for schools and for social care.  Commenting on the announcement, DCP chair Amanda Batten said:

“Whilst we welcome the additional funding for social care and for support for disabled children in schools, we are concerned that it will not be enough to address the problems faced by families today.  A one year cash injection is simply a sticking plaster and will not solve the crisis in support for disabled children.  Moreover, with the pressures on adult social care; on child protection; and on children in care; it is difficult to see how much, if any, of the increase in social care funding will find its way to services disabled children and their families.  Currently there’s a £434m funding gap for care services for disabled children and that is why the 70 charities that form the DCP are calling on the government to urgently ‘Give It Back’.”

MPs call for a ten-year plan to fix the broken school and college funding system

On 19 July, the Education Select Committee published the report of its school and college funding inquiry.  The report – which includes a chapter on special educational needs and disability funding – concludes that the system is broken and that there is insufficient funding for SEND.

The DCP welcomes the report and supports its call for a long-term plan.  You can read our statement here.

Families take government to court over lack of funding for SEN support in schools

Three families have gone to the high court to argue that the government’s current level of funding for SEN support in schools is unlawful.

Families from North Yorkshire, Birmingham and East Sussex instructed specialist lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to issue a Judicial Review into the legality of how the government provides funding for SEN to local authorities.

The case will be heard at a full two-day hearing in the High Court on 26 and 27 June.  Read more here.

New government drive to tackle barriers faced by disabled people: a missed opportunity?

On 25 June, the Prime Minister announced a new package of measures to tackle the injustices faced by disabled children.  However, the announcement made no mention of disabled children and their families.  This is how we reacted to the announcement.

DCP reacts to the government’s Children In Need Review

On 17 June, the Department for Education published the findings of its children in need review.

Whilst the DCP welcomed the review, we are concerned that it shows, once again, that most disabled children and their families are not getting the support they need.  You can read our statement about the review here.

Families of disabled children call on the Government to #GiveItBack

The Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) and The Sun have joined forces to launch a powerful new campaign – Give It Back.

Disabled children and their families are missing out on vital care and support as a result of government cuts, the DCP has found. This is harming children and families’ physical and mental health, breaking parental relationships and causing children to needlessly miss out on school or college.

DCP research published last year revealed a £434 million funding gap for social care for disabled children and their families. This new campaign asks everyone to join our call for the Government to Give It Back.

Parents take to the streets to call for better support for children and young people

On 30 May 2019, parents across the country will be marching to highlight the crisis in support for children and young people with special educational needs or who are disabled.   They will be demanding that the government takes action.

Marches and rallies will be taking place in locations around the country.  This is a wonderful grassroots campaign from parents who are seeing the system fail their children and are fed up with having to fight for the support they need.  The Disabled Children’s Partnership is delighted to have the opportunity to help publicise their campaign.

The National Deaf Children’s Society – who are members of the Disabled Children’s Partnership – have helpfully pulled together details on where the events are taking place and how you can get involved here.

You can also see more on Facebook or on twitter @SENDcrisis

MPs: Children’s Services need at least £3.1bn extra by 2025

A report published on 1 May by the Housing Communities and Local Government Committee says that Children’s Services are at breaking point and need at least £3.1 billion more funding by 2025.

The report is yet more evidence of the growing funding gap for local authority services.  The DCP’s own research published last year showed an annual shortfall of over £400 million for social care support for disabled children and their families.  Welcoming the report, the DCP campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, said “Funding for children’s services has reached crisis point.  The Government must address this crisis in this year’s spending review, including ensuring sufficient funding for councils to be able to provide the support that disabled children and their families need and to which they are entitled”

Another Parliamentary inquiry into local authority children’s services

Not only is the Housing Communities and Local Government Committee (see below) looking into local authority children’s services, so is Parliament’s spending watchdog, the Public Accounts Committee.  We have also submitted evidence to this review, which you can read here.

This inquiry follows a report published on the 23 January by the National Audit Office on the Pressures on Children’s Social Care.  Whilst we welcome this report highlighting the financial pressures on local authorities’ children’s social care services, we are very disappointed that it makes no reference at all to the challenges facing disabled children and their families.

Funding and provision of local authorities’ children’s services: Parliamentary inquiry

The Housing Communities and Local Government Committee in the House of Commons is holding an inquiry into the funding and provision of local authorities’ children’s services. It invited written evidence to be submitted in December.

The Committee has now published the written submissions it received. You can read ours here.

NHS Long Term Plan

On 7 January 2019, the Government published its long term plan for the National Health Service.

We have put out a short statement reacting to what the plan means for disabled children and their families.

Write to your MP about funding for disabled children’s services

There are not enough services for disabled children and their families and across the country many of those that do exist are under threat from cuts.  Children and families are missing out on vital help that enables them to do things other children take for granted like eat, talk, leave the house, have fun and attend school.

We want to make sure that the Government is fully aware of the need for additional funding for these vital services.  Therefore, we are asking our supporters to help us make the case for more funding for disabled children by asking their MPs to write to the Treasury.  Click here to create an email to your MP.

Parents mark the closure of Nascot Lawn

On 15 November, parents gathered at Nascot Lawn to mark its closure.  This sad occasion marked the end of the parents’ brave campaign to save the centre.

Economic Affairs Committee – Inquiry on social care funding in England

The Economic Affairs Committee is one of the six permanent investigative committees in the House of Lords and is charged with considering economic affairs.
It is currently holding an inquiry into social care funding in England. We submitted written evidence to the inquiry in October, and it has today been published by the Committee.  You can read it here
For more information about the inquiry, click here

2018 Budget – a missed opportunity

Today’s (29 October) Budget was a missed opportunity to address the crisis in health and social care services for disabled children.

Commenting on the Budget, Stephen Kingdom – Campaign Manager for the Disabled Children’s Partnership, said “The Budget included welcome additional funding for social care.  But it was a missed opportunity to address the crisis in social care services for disabled children.  Our research identified a £434 million funding gap for these services.  It is essential that the Government uses next year’s spending review to close this gap and to create an early intervention and family resilience fund as set out in our Five Step Plan.”

You can read more about our Five Step Plan here

Budget Representation

The Government has announced that this year’s Budget will be on 29 October.  In advance of it, the Treasury invited the public to make ‘representations’ by 28 September.  You can read what we submitted here.

Email issues

Many apologies if you’ve tried emailing our email address recently, and not had a response or had an email failure notice.

We’re working on the fault, but in the meantime you can email us on

New research shows a £1.5 billion funding gap for services for disabled children

On 16 July, the Disabled Children’s Partnership published economic research showing a £1.5 billion funding gap for services needed by disabled children. This investment shortfall and its consequences was highlighted on the BBC Panorama programme ‘Fighting for My Child’.

Disabled Children’s Partnership welcomes Ludlow Road respite care centre recommendation

We’re pleased that Worcestershire council have listened to parents and recommended that Ludlow Road respite centre in Kidderminster remain open into next year. However this still leaves an uncertain future for families.

Nascot Lawn latest: council decides not refer the matter to the Secretary of State

Hertfordshire County Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee met on 3 July.  Among the items on its agenda was the decision by Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Group (HVCCG) to withdraw funding from Nascot Lawn, a centre that provides overnight short breaks for children with complex health needs.  It was open to the council to refer HVCCG’s decision to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, but sadly they decided against doing so.

Stephen Kingdom, campaign manager for the Disabled Children’s Partnership says: “Members of the Disabled Children’s Partnership, alongside the families who have fought so hard to keep Nascot Lawn open, are utterly baffled by the county council’s decision not take more decisive action over the CCG’s decision to withdraw funding for the centre and refer the matter to the Secretary of State for a final decision – an option open to the council under local authority regulations.

“The CCG’s decision to stop funding Nascot Lawn needn’t have been the end of the matter if the council considered that this would not be in the interests of the local health service. It seems self-evident to us – and to parents – that closing Nascot Lawn is not in the interests of the health service in Hertfordshire, given the impact it will have on children with complex health needs and their families. The council have missed a real opportunity to stop the closure of a much valued facility that helps local families with some of the most severely disabled children get a short break from caring. It’s also a false economy because keeping Nascot Lawn open could have also saved the council and the state money in the long run. If families with disabled children don’t get the support they need they are more likely to reach crisis point –at far more cost to the council and state than the cost of keeping Nascot Lawn open.”

DCP survey shows a picture of declining quality of services and more cuts to come

On Thursday 28 June, we published the results of our survey on the quality of health and social care services.   We asked families whether they thought the quality of health and social care services in their local area had got better or worse over the last few years.  We also asked whether they were aware of any specific plans to cut services in the future.  Thank you to everyone who took part the survey.  We got a really good response rate with over 1,500 surveys completed.

The picture painted by the survey is not a good one.  Three-quarters of family members said health services in their area had got worse; nearly two-thirds said the same for social care services; and just under half of respondents were aware of specific plans to cut services.  You can read the full report of the survey results here.

Department for Education Children in Need Review

The Department for Education is currently reviewing support and outcomes for children in need.  The Disabled Children’s Partnership welcomes this review, and the inclusion of disabled children within it.  However, we have two significant concerns about the scope of the review.  First, it is only looking at educational outcomes: these are clearly important, but not they are not the only outcomes that matter to children and families.  Second, under the Children Act 1989 all disabled children are ‘children in need’ and it is important that the review is not limited to those children who are currently receiving services.

The ‘call for evidence’ stage of the review ran until 1 July and we took the opportunity to set out our concerns to the Department.  You can read what we said to them here.

Education Select Committee special educational needs and disability inquiry

The House of Commons Education Select Committee is holding an inquiry into special educational needs and disability.  You can more about the inquiry here.  As part of the inquiry, the Committee asked for written submissions.  Here is what we have said to the Committee about health and social care services for disabled children.

Children’s Commissioner/Institute for Fiscal Studies report on public spending on children

On 12 June, the Children’s Commissioner published analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies on public spending on Children in England between 2000 and 2020.

More overnight short breaks services under threat

The Disabled Children’s Partnership has today (21 May) issued statements calling on Worcestershire County Council and North Yorkshire County Council to protect overnight short breaks services under threat of closure.

Nascot Lawn to close after all

Herts Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has voted on 10 May to close the Nascot Lawn centre for severely disabled children.  This devastating news means that, despite parents’ victories in the High Court, this vital service will close.  It is, however, open to Hertfordshire County Council to refer the matter to Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, for him to decide.

Listen here to our campaign manager, Stephen Kingdom, talking to Bob FM about the CCG’s decision. The interview was recorded and first broadcast on 12 May.

More families forced to challenge cuts through the courts

Families fighting Surrey council’s plan to cut more than £20 million from services for disabled children have officially lodged a legal challenge against the decision.

Short breaks petition delivered to Number 10 Downing Street

Thank you to everyone who signed our short breaks petition.  On 19 April, parents and members of the DCP delivered the petition to number 10 Downing Street.  We await the Government’s response.

Two respite centres to close in Hampshire

Despite parent opposition, Hampshire County Council formally recommended the closure of the centres in Aldershot and Winchester, which provide care to 35 disabled children with the most complex needs in the area.

What are short breaks?

Step two of our Five Step Plan calls on the government to ‘Review funding of short breaks provision for disabled children and families’. But what do we mean when we talk about short breaks?

Five steps to address the health and social care crisis for disabled children

We’re launching the next phase of the #SecretLifeofUs campaign with a five step plan to address the growing crisis in health and social care for disabled children. We want the Government to take steps to ensure health and social care services work for disabled children and their families.